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Showing posts from July, 2020

Week 10: Reflection Post

I'm going to do my reflection post a bit early this time because I have a few more assignments to complete before the end of the week. I think the main thing that's on my mind now, coming to the end of the course is the question of evaluation: How do we evaluate a produsage-centered course? Do we evaluate it like how we would an instructional course? Using Kirkpatrick's 4 levels of evaluation: Level 1 - Trainee sentiments of the course. I would imagine that this would examine: Metrics examining platforms' usability. Metrics examining instructor proficiency and helpfulness. Metrics examining effectiveness of material. Metrics examining relevance of material. Largely survey-based I think on a usual likert scale. Level 2 - Trainee Proficiency This would probably examine: Trainee's understanding of civil military relations. Trainee's understanding of military law. Trainee's understanding of just war doctrine and application of Jus ad bellum...

Week 10 - Extended Realities Technologies as part of Produsage (Part 2)

I thought I should really try to delve into and draft out my produsage assignment a bit more so that I can get a head start before the submission next sunday. I got 4 different assignments to submit by the same deadline, so things are likely to get pretty crazy - doesn't help that I have one more assignment to submit four days after! Haaahhahah! This blog will probably go dark next week - will cash in all my remaining tokens to clear out all the work.  Produsage Assignment: Concept   Theories of Learning and Cognition to be used:  Constructivism - Uses optimally guided instructional model as articulated by Michael Hannafin et al., (1997) Hannafin, M. J., Hannafin, K. M., Land, S. M., & Oliver, K. (1997). Grounded practice and the design of constructivist learning environments.  Educational Technology Research and Development ,  45 (3), 101–117. Information processing theory  Overall framework to guide ...

Week 10 - Extended Realities technology as part of Produsage (Part 1)

Hi everyone! Just wanted to share an article I found. As I related last week, my produsage assignment will center on the creation of a kind of role-playing game that will facilitate the discussion of moral/ethical dilemmas for military officers to get a clear sense of the danger of the new operating context (V.U.C.A)*. I found an article that demonstrated the Swedish Army's use of virtual reality technology in the military context to thrust officers into the role of a UN peacekeeper. Take a read! VUCA - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous

Reflection Post

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bbbbbbbbooooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! 3 more weeks before the next semester - I guess I just need to hang on in there. I have a crapload of things to do on Week 10 and I haven't even begun to finish anything yet. haahah! I think on thing that this module has taught me is the need to plan and schedule my work. So here's my week's total work due: Things to do this week: 5608 - 1x Initial post, 2x questions, 1x reflection 5608 - 1x Interview video 5608 - 1x Interview paper 6357 - Discussion posts 1x Initial, 4x prompts 6357 - Assignment 3 - cutting the pie 6636 - Change Journal 4 6636 - Comparison paper 6636 - Discussion activity 6414 - Discussions 10x posts 6414 - Get started on produsage 6414 - 3x blog posts Now I'll segment everything into days (Also including exercise): Monday: 5608 - 1x Initial post, 1x questions 6636 - Change Journal 4 6636 - Discussion activity 6357 - Discussion posts...

Thinking of produsage

I've been trying to think about the produsage topic and it seems to me that I have come to a bit of a ID's block. I think one thing that I am worried about is that I might be biting off more than I could chew - and in doing so, unnecessarily increase my workload in a period where all the major assignments of my other modules are beginning to pile up. Regardless, my extreme idea for now is as such. Concept: Using role-playing games that focus on ethical and moral dilemmas to facilitate discussions on morality among military officers. Medium: The role-playing game can be developed on a various levels - technically it should be written from the Second-person perspective, for example " You see a child clutching a hand-grenade, trembling, walking ever so slowly towards you"  . I would imagine that based on the time I have, I would scale the quality of the development from Microsoft Powerpoint being the lowest, to a game engine like a visual novel maker. (I am current...

Data analytics - My repository of useful knowledge

Hey all! I still have knowledge sharing withdrawal so here's another knowledge repository that I am slowly crafting on data analysis and the like. So here we go! 1. Why Big data? Potential reading list for big data - 2. Examples of Big data done right 3. P...

Reflection: Week 8

As we ramp up towards the end of July, it's been getting a bit harder to focus. I think part of my concerns stem from how am I going to translate what I learn in this masters' degree into actual job performance and return on investment to my organization. I probably have to think a bit more critically and try to extract the important elements to my job - developing communities of practice etc. I think that in these last 4 weeks, I need to have a more concrete plan on how I am going to tackle all the remaining assignments and projects across my degree. Getting a bit tired of always lagging behind in the work.

A Digital Sabbath

Ok hear me out, this might run completely counter to what I wrote in the post on blogging requiring discipline. But I can't help but feel a tad bit suffocated with all the digital and online interaction that we have to do (so thankful we have a participation break in this module - another one wants us to participate and evaluate 4 student-developed modules - yay!). I read this article about a digital sabbath and found it quite interesting. Honestly, I've never gone a day without my phone in the last 2 years. While I might not be too keen on facebook and the like, I do keep my handphone close in the event of an emergency at work. With the amount of technology surrounding me - 2 mobile phones, 1 laptop, 1 surface go, 1 desktop - I'm beginning to think that my connection to digital technology is a bit overkill. Perhaps there is some wisdom to decoupling from digital technology. I will think ab...

Blogging takes Discipline

I must admit, I have failed this week again. hahaha! I tried my hardest to blog on time this week, came up with quite a few things to talk about. But with all the hustle and bustle of life, three other modules, catching up with superiors and colleagues to understand how my workplace has changed, and an interesting general election in Singapore. I just couldn't get around to doing it on time. And here I am again. I read this article talking about how blogging requires self-discipline - I completely agree - I think what I'll do this week instead is to set a specific time to blog. From now on, expect a post from me, between 2200 to 2230 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Argh but this week is election week so Friday will be an exciting day.