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Thinking of produsage

I've been trying to think about the produsage topic and it seems to me that I have come to a bit of a ID's block. I think one thing that I am worried about is that I might be biting off more than I could chew - and in doing so, unnecessarily increase my workload in a period where all the major assignments of my other modules are beginning to pile up.

Regardless, my extreme idea for now is as such.

Concept: Using role-playing games that focus on ethical and moral dilemmas to facilitate discussions on morality among military officers.

Medium: The role-playing game can be developed on a various levels - technically it should be written from the Second-person perspective, for example "You see a child clutching a hand-grenade, trembling, walking ever so slowly towards you" . I would imagine that based on the time I have, I would scale the quality of the development from Microsoft Powerpoint being the lowest, to a game engine like a visual novel maker. (I am currently leaning towards microsoft powerpoint as the sample medium).

The platforms for the discussions will be one of the platforms that we have used across the semester. I haven't really decided, but a few selection criteria include:

  1. The ability for me to guide the discussion.
  2. A safe platform for the students to interact - I want the community to be a closed group.
  3. An intuitive and easy to use interface. 
Pedagogy/Process: The role-playing game will be released in episodes that touch on certain ethical dilemmas to be encountered in the field. After playing through the episode. Trainees are to respond to a few questions posed by the instructors and submit their answers on the platform for all to see and comment. Notably, questions posed by the instructors would require trainees to back up and justify their claims with actual references to military law, the Geneva Convention and the like. 

This is what I have so far - Still considering how I should go about doing this. 


  1. Hi, your topic is really interesting! I think it's a great idea to use role-play to deal with ethical issues. I've seen role-plays are used to teach how to deal with ethical dilemmas in medical education. I wonder how you get learners to play a certain role on an online platform.


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