I've been thinking about how to create a climate that is conducive to produsage in my organization. One of the deal breakers that I feel exists where I work has to do with the competition between employees. Keeping in mind that produsage requires individuals to be willing to give up their property and creations for others to use and build upon, a significant hurdle is immediately encountered when individuals think that in sharing their products, another person could potentially take credit for the eventual outcome. Consequently, everyone keeps their cards close to their chest and no flourishing community of collaboration is established. I've been looking for resources to understand how to reduce this kind of destructive competitiveness in the workplace. Here's one such website: https://due.com/blog/how-do-you-manage-the-increasing-competitiveness-of-your-workplace/
For the first part of today's series of posts, I'd like to introduce to you a book that I've read written by Daniel Coyle (2018) called "The culture code". This week, we've been mostly reading about web 2.0 technologies that facilitate a user-centric environment where users are both the producers of knowledge and users of it (produsers). I however, have been attracted to the notion of community. For produsage to work, it is essential that a community in which collaboration and not self-aggrandizement is cultivated. This lead me to the culture code's examination of key facets of successful groups. In one of the studies listed in the book, it noted that in a simple experiment where groups of business students and kindergartners (all groups were homogenous) were told to build the highest tower with twenty pieces of uncooked spaghetti, one yard of transparent tape, one yard of string and one standard-size marshmallow (to be put on top of the obelisk),...
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