Finally at the end of week 2!
There was so much covered this week! Specifically, the hive mind, digital natives, produsage and youth, and finally the lives of the highly networked. I think my main takeaways for the week centered largely on two things that I will be looking into in the coming weeks. Firstly, the notion of facilitating collaboration and communication. What are the best practices involved in creating a platform for collaboration? What are the key attitudes and facets of culture to be implemented? In particular, would communities of practice be a natural outflow of attempting to create a professional produsage community in my organization? What are the physical elements that are required? Digital networks of a certain speed, certain applications and such?
Secondly, the notion of getting individuals to value the collaborative process and community. The more I read on the application of hive mind modalities to education and learning, the more I thought about the notion of the Premack principle. Individuals usually gravitate towards performing in areas that they instinctively value. How then do we make produsage communities and activities instinctively valuable to individuals who would otherwise not be interested? Even more so, how do we sustain interest? Surely it has to be more than attracting individuals with a spanking new interface (not that that does not help). Or perhaps it works as such - individuals come for the benefits that directly contribute to their individual endeavors but stay for the community that eventually is subsumed under his/her identity or perhaps pride themselves in their contributions and achievements in the community. All of this sounds eerily familiar to what I've read about communities of practice. Looking forward to learning about CoPs and how I could utilize their concepts in web 2.0 modalities.
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