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Week 10: Reflection Post

I'm going to do my reflection post a bit early this time because I have a few more assignments to complete before the end of the week. I think the main thing that's on my mind now, coming to the end of the course is the question of evaluation: How do we evaluate a produsage-centered course? Do we evaluate it like how we would an instructional course? Using Kirkpatrick's 4 levels of evaluation: Level 1 - Trainee sentiments of the course. I would imagine that this would examine: Metrics examining platforms' usability. Metrics examining instructor proficiency and helpfulness. Metrics examining effectiveness of material. Metrics examining relevance of material. Largely survey-based I think on a usual likert scale. Level 2 - Trainee Proficiency This would probably examine: Trainee's understanding of civil military relations. Trainee's understanding of military law. Trainee's understanding of just war doctrine and application of Jus ad bellum...
Recent posts

Week 10 - Extended Realities Technologies as part of Produsage (Part 2)

I thought I should really try to delve into and draft out my produsage assignment a bit more so that I can get a head start before the submission next sunday. I got 4 different assignments to submit by the same deadline, so things are likely to get pretty crazy - doesn't help that I have one more assignment to submit four days after! Haaahhahah! This blog will probably go dark next week - will cash in all my remaining tokens to clear out all the work.  Produsage Assignment: Concept   Theories of Learning and Cognition to be used:  Constructivism - Uses optimally guided instructional model as articulated by Michael Hannafin et al., (1997) Hannafin, M. J., Hannafin, K. M., Land, S. M., & Oliver, K. (1997). Grounded practice and the design of constructivist learning environments.  Educational Technology Research and Development ,  45 (3), 101–117. Information processing theory  Overall framework to guide ...

Week 10 - Extended Realities technology as part of Produsage (Part 1)

Hi everyone! Just wanted to share an article I found. As I related last week, my produsage assignment will center on the creation of a kind of role-playing game that will facilitate the discussion of moral/ethical dilemmas for military officers to get a clear sense of the danger of the new operating context (V.U.C.A)*. I found an article that demonstrated the Swedish Army's use of virtual reality technology in the military context to thrust officers into the role of a UN peacekeeper. Take a read! VUCA - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous

Reflection Post

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bbbbbbbbooooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! 3 more weeks before the next semester - I guess I just need to hang on in there. I have a crapload of things to do on Week 10 and I haven't even begun to finish anything yet. haahah! I think on thing that this module has taught me is the need to plan and schedule my work. So here's my week's total work due: Things to do this week: 5608 - 1x Initial post, 2x questions, 1x reflection 5608 - 1x Interview video 5608 - 1x Interview paper 6357 - Discussion posts 1x Initial, 4x prompts 6357 - Assignment 3 - cutting the pie 6636 - Change Journal 4 6636 - Comparison paper 6636 - Discussion activity 6414 - Discussions 10x posts 6414 - Get started on produsage 6414 - 3x blog posts Now I'll segment everything into days (Also including exercise): Monday: 5608 - 1x Initial post, 1x questions 6636 - Change Journal 4 6636 - Discussion activity 6357 - Discussion posts...

Thinking of produsage

I've been trying to think about the produsage topic and it seems to me that I have come to a bit of a ID's block. I think one thing that I am worried about is that I might be biting off more than I could chew - and in doing so, unnecessarily increase my workload in a period where all the major assignments of my other modules are beginning to pile up. Regardless, my extreme idea for now is as such. Concept: Using role-playing games that focus on ethical and moral dilemmas to facilitate discussions on morality among military officers. Medium: The role-playing game can be developed on a various levels - technically it should be written from the Second-person perspective, for example " You see a child clutching a hand-grenade, trembling, walking ever so slowly towards you"  . I would imagine that based on the time I have, I would scale the quality of the development from Microsoft Powerpoint being the lowest, to a game engine like a visual novel maker. (I am current...

Data analytics - My repository of useful knowledge

Hey all! I still have knowledge sharing withdrawal so here's another knowledge repository that I am slowly crafting on data analysis and the like. So here we go! 1. Why Big data? Potential reading list for big data - 2. Examples of Big data done right 3. P...

Reflection: Week 8

As we ramp up towards the end of July, it's been getting a bit harder to focus. I think part of my concerns stem from how am I going to translate what I learn in this masters' degree into actual job performance and return on investment to my organization. I probably have to think a bit more critically and try to extract the important elements to my job - developing communities of practice etc. I think that in these last 4 weeks, I need to have a more concrete plan on how I am going to tackle all the remaining assignments and projects across my degree. Getting a bit tired of always lagging behind in the work.