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Showing posts from June, 2020

Reflection Post for Week 7

I still can't believe that we are more than halfway through the course. It's been pretty challenging this week - trying to keep up with all the assignments, discussions, readings, blog posts and projects. Time really flies when you are swamped with work. I think one of my big struggles has been to try and consistently post to the blog and other online tools. It really needs to be a habit - and a habit that goes beyond the act of blogging really and more about sharing I guess? I tried Instagram for a couple of weeks and have since gone silent primarily because I just couldn't find a reason to want to share my experiences with other people. Is it a function of introversion? I don't know.

Fostering a climate of produsage in Schools.

I posted in the canvas discussion forum that one of the main issues with implementing produsage was the fact that often children did not have any apparent 'skin in the game' or anything to lose from a poor education. I've since been trying to find articles on how to make children desire or value education. What I have found pertains largely to getting children to desire learning or delink feelings of fear from learning - which is well and good. But not being afraid of learning is different from a hunger to learn. Why do immigrant children often do better in test results - partly because of this drive to succeed and learn - partly because of understanding what test results represent in the long run. Here's another one of the websites that I've been looking at, take a read!

Produsage in a climate of competition.

I've been thinking about how to create a climate that is conducive to produsage in my organization. One of the deal breakers that I feel exists where I work has to do with the competition between employees. Keeping in mind that produsage requires individuals to be willing to give up their property and creations for others to use and build upon, a significant hurdle is immediately encountered when individuals think that in sharing their products, another person could potentially take credit for the eventual outcome. Consequently, everyone keeps their cards close to their chest and no flourishing community of collaboration is established. I've been looking for resources to understand how to reduce this kind of destructive competitiveness in the workplace. Here's one such website:

Financial Management 101 Knowledge Base.

Hey guys! This page just serves to be a compilation of websites and articles that I have found to be useful over the last few months for leveling up my understanding of personal financial management. I did up a concept map as appended below to help organize what I think is one way to approach learning about the subject. Do note that the portioning of income has many schools of thought. So without further ado, a list of the websites, organized according to that framework. LEARNING HOW TO INCREASE ASSETS Learn what is an financial asset. (To the layman, services and products that do not depreciate or rather appreciate in value over time). Managing your existing income. How to portion out and budget your income: Elizabeth Warren's 50 30 20 rule. Barefoot Investor's Buckets portioning.

Working on curated work for Assignment.

Been trying to develop an article for my the knowledge sharing assignment. Tried the mindmeister app and it seems to be quite effective and intuitive. Gonna keep working on the articles and share them in a bit. I need to figure out how to post these images - should I embed them or use image hosting websites. Maybe this would be sorted out if I upgraded my account to personal for mindmeister. But here's a short teaser of what I'm working on. (Do note that it is still a work in progress - might not even use mindmeister for it).